Tribazik - All Blood Is Red

Let’s be honest, some songs hint heavily at Killing Joke, with whom Tribazik have toured with on two distinct occasions and I would feel tempted to toss accusations of plagiarism at them if it weren’t for the incredible fluidity and groovy aggression offered throughout these ten themes. They astutely make up for a lack of a real identity with an eclectic wall of sound that ranges from straight out riotous numbers with plenty of banging head-nodding rhythms such as “False Flag”, “Small Are We” and “Molten” to more unruffled, looser and mellower songs like “As Above, So Below”, “As If” and “Speak Through Us”. There are lots of effects used, such as samples and loops, yet luckily Tribazik don’t fall into the cut n’ paste category as all machinery is simply manipulated to enhance the songs with a few extra ingredients, without ever loosing the sense of purpose and song-craft.
The influence of Swiss The Young Gods is particularly evident on Jerry Kandiah’s voice, which has a weird accent and a ethereal tone that reminds me of Franz Treichler.
Apparently, the UK based trio is a multinational group comprised of French-born Blaise Merino on bass and vocals, Jerry Kandiah from the Cayman Islands on vocals and guitar and British drummer Hedge Seel, who also sings and handles all the samplers and other machinery, so hence the accented vocals.
Much of what’s on offer here is fairly predictable and has been emulated a million times already, however “All Blood Is Red” displays some energetic and catchy moments that will surely provoke an irresistible urge to bang your head. (6.5/10)
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