Ildaruni - Beyond Unseen Gateways | Review
Before I start, I'd like to tackle the obvious (the elephant in the room), Ildaruni are from Armenia. Now, not knowing another single act from the same geographical location (I'm sure they exist) this makes me curious indeed only more so as the accompanying art is rather nondescript, in as far as it could work for a release belonging to any number of genres.
In regards to the audio. The opener/introduction oozes with atmosphere; Gregorian chants overlaid by synth which conjures any number of fantasy RPGs. As the track progresses spoken word passages are added to the track's gratification to bring about an aura which conjures a strong likelihood that this will veer into atmospheric black-metal waters.
"Treading the Path of Cryptic Wisdom" tears from the gate with slight power-metal leanings. This feel transforms to accommodate a passage dominated by instruments one would find on any Skyclad release. Moments later rhythms encroach to replace all these thoughts in favor of uncontrollable movements. A vocal style (complemented by a chorus of sorts conjuring a Viking gathering) adds to the track's impact. Layered in a well-executed ancient/nature vibe this is a fantastic approach and physical realization to garner one's attention making that all-too important positive immediate impression.
'Beyond Unseen Gateways' progresses to display Ildaruni's probable influences. As well sporting a majestic marriage of atmosphere, pagan rhythms and riffs, fans of both Dissection and Amon Amarth will no doubt appreciate it as Ildaruni also show their adoration of melodic BM. Cresting riffs flow, minus the harsh frigid nature associated with many acts in the genre, to create an undulating soundscape evoking an almost tangible narration of age-old myth, a myriad of tales inked in Bold type by way of the frolicking foundation of melodious arrangements. "Boundless Numen- Gardens of Ardini'' is an excellent example.
Among the myriad of influences which flash across the brain the exquisite blending of styles puts me in mind of early output by Moonspell (namely "Wolfheart") although this is significantly swifter in pace there are specific passages in "Towards Subterranean Realms" to strengthen this thesis.
The final track, "Whence Ravenstone Beckons", overflows with the aforementioned darkly fantastical atmosphere (leading me to believe Elves might actually exist and are quite possibly the reason why society isn't overrun by Orcs, Trolls and Goblins), in essence a perfect pairing of melodic black-metal and pagan-metal which this release has already excelled at showcasing.
Although somewhat 'light' in tone, there are a number of instances to perk the interest of the more traditional genre fan. From clean, to spoken to spitting 'absolute fire' the commanding vocal presence of Artak Karapetyan cannot be ignored, executed with a professionalism which far surpasses his years on scene his is a throat which fronts this vehicle through waters both murky and occasionally even uplifting. Bolstered by a solid, clear, production the 'whole' is a wonder to experience provoking an appreciation any fan is sure to blissfully exhibit. (9.3/10)
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In regards to the audio. The opener/introduction oozes with atmosphere; Gregorian chants overlaid by synth which conjures any number of fantasy RPGs. As the track progresses spoken word passages are added to the track's gratification to bring about an aura which conjures a strong likelihood that this will veer into atmospheric black-metal waters.
"Treading the Path of Cryptic Wisdom" tears from the gate with slight power-metal leanings. This feel transforms to accommodate a passage dominated by instruments one would find on any Skyclad release. Moments later rhythms encroach to replace all these thoughts in favor of uncontrollable movements. A vocal style (complemented by a chorus of sorts conjuring a Viking gathering) adds to the track's impact. Layered in a well-executed ancient/nature vibe this is a fantastic approach and physical realization to garner one's attention making that all-too important positive immediate impression.
'Beyond Unseen Gateways' progresses to display Ildaruni's probable influences. As well sporting a majestic marriage of atmosphere, pagan rhythms and riffs, fans of both Dissection and Amon Amarth will no doubt appreciate it as Ildaruni also show their adoration of melodic BM. Cresting riffs flow, minus the harsh frigid nature associated with many acts in the genre, to create an undulating soundscape evoking an almost tangible narration of age-old myth, a myriad of tales inked in Bold type by way of the frolicking foundation of melodious arrangements. "Boundless Numen- Gardens of Ardini'' is an excellent example.
Among the myriad of influences which flash across the brain the exquisite blending of styles puts me in mind of early output by Moonspell (namely "Wolfheart") although this is significantly swifter in pace there are specific passages in "Towards Subterranean Realms" to strengthen this thesis.
The final track, "Whence Ravenstone Beckons", overflows with the aforementioned darkly fantastical atmosphere (leading me to believe Elves might actually exist and are quite possibly the reason why society isn't overrun by Orcs, Trolls and Goblins), in essence a perfect pairing of melodic black-metal and pagan-metal which this release has already excelled at showcasing.
Although somewhat 'light' in tone, there are a number of instances to perk the interest of the more traditional genre fan. From clean, to spoken to spitting 'absolute fire' the commanding vocal presence of Artak Karapetyan cannot be ignored, executed with a professionalism which far surpasses his years on scene his is a throat which fronts this vehicle through waters both murky and occasionally even uplifting. Bolstered by a solid, clear, production the 'whole' is a wonder to experience provoking an appreciation any fan is sure to blissfully exhibit. (9.3/10)
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