Oblique Rain – October Dawn

Hailing from Portugal, Oblique Rain fuses the despondent and dark melodies of Katatonia with the progressive intricacies of both Opeth and Porcupine Tree. So, how can you go wrong when you intertwine influences from three of the most engaging and interesting bands of this decade? Fans of the aforementioned acts will be delighted to hear the band’s second full-length work ‘October Dawn’ even though their sound never reaches the heavy standards of Opeth or the emotional despondency of Katatonia. Nevertheless it’s hard not to think of the later when themes like “Absent Awry”, “Reminiscence” and “Darker Woods” erupt from the speakers and disclose an immensely mournful and tormented feeling close to what the Swedes have been masterfully recreating since “Tonight’s Decision”. The soulful voice of vocalist and guitarist Flávio Silva also has a timbre that is somewhat similar to Jonas Renkse remarkably distinct voice, which obviously increases the resemblances. The album does wear its influences on its sleeve, tough the sound that the Portuguese act have crafted could never be seen accused of plagiarism or shameless homage.
The music is for the most part very emotional and manages to convey a mournful spirit, a feeling of torment and regret, yet there is also a sense of hope prevailing in these nine songs. I mean, rather than put you down and compel you to fetch a razor-blade to cut your wrists the music of Oblique Rain is soothing for an injured soul, a perfect company for anyone who is facing a tough break-up.
“October Dawn” is definitely one of the most pleasant surprises that I’ve come across lately and despite its autumnal name is perfectly capable of glowing during any season, especially on those lonely nights where you’re trying to cleanse your wounds.

David Alexandre

Band info: www.myspace.com/obliquerain
Label info: www.majorlabelindustries.com