Kill the Client - Cleptocracy

With such increasing number of releases displaying a social-political contestation bent for the Bush administration and the US government in the last few years it would be logical to presume that Willowtip offices are under the close surveillance of an obscure and ultra-secret organization working for the government.
“Cleptocracy” from US grinders Kill the Client picks up the torch and extends the bile against the current social-political situation in the US and OH BOY they sound fucking pissed off.
I’m talking about 18 tracks of relentless grinding fury bursting throughout 23 intensively chaotic minutes. Imagine someone holding two large backpacks walking into an international airport and screaming the names of Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaida immediately triggering a torrent of chaos and maniacal behaviours that would be too damn close to the aural experience provided by “Cleptocracy”.
In other words, Kill the Client plays a ferocious and dirty Grindcore tainted with the crusty influences of Napalm Death and the insane savagery of both Brutal Truth and Nasum, occasionally widening their scope with the inclusion of slower and sludgy riffs that effectively prevents “Cleptocracy” from sounding a tad monotonous.
Considering the US are now facing a crucial time of change with the election of a new president, I just hope that Willowtip artists don’t run out of sources of inspiration that have been fuelling such brutal releases of lately. (7/10)

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